

Ordering Information

Terms – All plants are labeled true to name, alive, healthy and dormant. Only healthy plants of excellent quality are shipped. Since we do not have control of the plants after they leave the International Bonsai Arboretum, plants are not guaranteed.

Payment – Full payment must accompany all orders. All prices are payable in U.S. dollars and subject to change without notice. We accept checks, Mastercard and Visa. Please provide your account number and security code on the back and expiration date for credit card payments. New York State residents add 8% sales tax. Minimum order $35.

Shipping & Handling – FREE SHIPPING Bare-root seedlings are only available from mid Mid January through March 2024 by mail order depending on quantities and weather conditions. Plants will be shipped via U.S. Mail or Fedex.  Please provide your complete street address and telephone number. No foreign orders. Special arrangements can be made to deliver plants to bonsai conventions that I will attend. Please indicate approximate preferred shipping date. We ship according to the weather.

Care Upon Arrival – Plants should be unboxed upon arrival and kept in a cool dark area at 35-40oF . Deciduous bare-root seedlings can be easily kept for several months if correctly stored and periodically checked for watering. Transplant when buds are swollen and before they start to open. Tap roots and heavy roots should be lightly trimmed when planting to encourage an abundance of fibrous roots. Seedlings should be potted before foliage opens and matures. 

The 2024 seedling and pre-Bonsai catalog is now open! Thank you for your support.
Request Preferred Ship Date

Request Preferred Ship Date

We will over winter the plants and ship to you in early spring by zone hardiness, unless you request an appproximate date desired but shipping will also depend on weather condition. We ship on Mondays an expect package to arrive no later then Friday or Saturday. Order early to reserve plants and avoid disappoinment. Available from early Febuary to end of March.  

Indicate preferred shipping date below and add to cart.

Red Chojubai Flowering Quince

Red Chojubai Flowering Quince

Red Chojubai Flowering Quince
sample tree
Click to enlarge image(s)

Chaenomeles japonica ‘Chojubai Red’

The Red chojubai dwarf flowering quince is considered to be one of finest for bonsai training. Small red-orange flowers can be produced any time of the year, but late-autumn through spring are the most colorful. New growth is vigorous, yet dwarf. The high quality dark green leaves are very attractive alone. Usually small irregular shaped yellow fruit which are fragrant develop after the flowers. Full of plump flower buds and  is excellent for small and shohin bonsai!

pre-bonsai– 4” POT, 10-12” $75  Sold Out!

Large image depict developed Bonsai
Smaller image depict sample pre-bonsai
ceramic container not included.

White Chojubai Flowering Quince

White Chojubai Flowering Quince

White Chojubai Flowering Quince
Click to enlarge image(s)

Chaenomeles japonica ‘Chojubai White’

 Another choice for spring blossoming bonsai. The red Chojubai Japanese Flowering Qunce is becomming increasingly more popular because of its beauty. Closely related is the rare White Chojubai with creamy white, sometimes yellow flowers. This cultivar grows slighty faster than the red and is easy to start from cuttings. The light green foliage is quite attractive, especially in spring. The small yellow fragrant fruit quickly develop in early summer. Although easily started from seed, new plants will not be identical to the parent. An excellent rare find!

pre-bonsai– 6"pot, 8-12”– SOLD OUT!

Click on smaller image to view Pre-Bonsai.

Larger image depicts a developed bonsai, ceramic pot not included.

Chinese Quince

Chinese Quince

Chinese Quince
Pre Bonsai sampleblooms very early
Click to enlarge image(s)

Pseudocydonia sinensis  

The Chinese Quince, “King of Fruiting Bonsai,” is a distinctive species because of its attractive delicate pink flowers in early spring and large fruit during the summer. In autumn the  fragrant fruit mature to a golden yellow and the foliage turns  bright orange and red. Irregular patches of colorful bark can  be best appreciated in the winter. All plants are seedlings from one of our bonsai and have excellent roots. The trunks can be wired into interesting shapes or created into a forest bonsai. Chinese quince has it all– flowers, fruit, fast growing, exfoliating bark and bright autumn color! 

pre-bonsai– 4” pot 8-10”– $35 Free Shipping


Click on smaller image to view Pre-Bonsai 
Larger image depicts a developed bonsai, ceramic pot not included. 

Dawn Redwood

Dawn Redwood

Dawn Redwood
Pre-bonsai 1 galPre-bonsai wired
Click to enlarge image(s)

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Unlike the true redwoods native to California, The Dawn redwoods are native to China and winter hardy throughout the United States. This deciduous conifer has feathery light green foliage in summer which becomes bronze before dropping to reveal the twigs. This fast growing species develop quickly and become heavy with peeling bark. Any style can be created with this species which have flexible trunks and branches. A beautiful summer and autumn bonsai!

pre-bonsai– 1 gal 10-12”– $55 Free Shipping!

Larger image depicts a deleloped bonsai forest, ceramic pot not included.
Smaller image depict sample pre-bonsai 1 gallon

Beech Forest

Beech Forest

Beech Forest
March 2014March 2018March 2023
Click to enlarge image(s)

Fagus sylvatica

European Beech are a beautiful species primarily grown for their white bark, long buds and fine twigs. The dark green leaves turn bright yellow and stems beginning to branch. Trunks become white in about six years. They often have smaller foliage than Japanese beech. Train a forest or single tree with beautiful bark!

Potted Forest not available at this time, coming soon!

Click on smaller images to see development of a forest!


European Beech

European Beech

European Beech
5 tree sample4"potsmall container samplelarge container sample
Click to enlarge image(s)

Fagus sylvatica  

Beech are a beautiful species primarily grown for their white bark, long buds and fine twigs. The dark green leaves turn bright yellow in autumn. The winter bronze leaves often persist throughout the winter. Forest bonsai are commonly created with beech because they are easy to grow. These five branched seedlings can quickly be created into a forest bonsai and have been grown in a community pot. Trunks become white in about six years. The trained pre-bonsai are branching and often smaller foliage than Japanese beech. 

Free shipping!

5 tree bundle in plastic container 6-12"-   Sold Out!

pre-bonsai– 4" pot, 16-20"- $90 

pre-bonsai– Small tree 16-20" in plastic training pot - $150.

pre-bonsai– Large tree 16-20" in plastic training pot 16-20"- $190.

Larger image depicts a deleloped bonsai forest, ceramic pot not included.
Smaller image depict sample pre-bonsai.

Korean Hornbeam

Korean Hornbeam

Korean Hornbeam
Click to enlarge image(s)

Carpinus turczaninovii

The Korean hornbeam is excellent for both forests and single trunk bonsai. The neat, small leaves turn a brilliant yellow-orange in autumn. Light colored bark contrasts well with the reddish buds in winter. These are a rare species which are difficult to locate in small sizes. The trunks have been wired and shaped for movement and are still flexible. Very winter hardy. A premier offering!

5 bare-root seedling, 10-12”– $50 Free Shipping!

Koto Hime Japanese Maple

Koto Hime Japanese Maple

Koto Hime Japanese Maple
samples 3"and 4" potsFall colors beginingKOTO HIME 1 GAL.jpeg
Click to enlarge image(s)

Acer palmatum ‘Koto Hime’

The Koto Hime Japanese maple has probably the smallest foliage of all maples and is superb for shohin bonsai as well as larger specimens. The tiny foliage leafs out with a reddish color which becomes rich green. These plants are cutting grown and established in their pots. Surface roots quickly develop from cuttings and develop heavy trunks when pot grown. The natural growth habit is upright, so horizontal branching needs to be shaped with wire. Short dense bonsai can be developed in a few seasons with this easy to grow select cultivar. Add this small treasure to your bonsai collection. 

pre-bonsai- 1 gallon, 12-16" $90 Sold Out!

pre-bonsai– 4” pot, 9-14” $48 Sold Out!

pre-bonsai– 3” pot, 6-10” $35 Sold Out!

Click on smaller image to see Pre Bonsai sample.
Larger image depicts a developed bonsai , ceramic pot not included. 

Momo No Haru Azalea

Momo No Haru Azalea

Momo No Haru Azalea
Pre-Bonsai Sample
Click to enlarge image(s)

Rhododendron indicum Momo No Haru 

This choice cultivar of Satsuki azalea has beautiful pink flowers which are small, unlike other cultivars. This dwarf cultivar has small foliage which makes it superb for shohin bonsai or larger specimens as well. The compact root system is suitable for potting into bonsai containers now. These Momo No Haru satsuki azaleas have been trained for single trunk bonsai, unlike the commonly available multiple trunk plants. The flexible branches can easily be wired and shaped into bonsai forms. Enjoy a month of pink colorful blossoms.

pre-bonsai– 4" pot, 6- 8”– $40 Free Shipping


Smaller  image depicts a  pre-bonsai sample.

Kazan Satsuki Azelea

Kazan Satsuki Azelea

Kazan Satsuki Azelea
flowersample pre-bonsai
Click to enlarge image(s)
Rhododendron indicum ‘Kazan’
There are over 2,000 cultivars of Satsuki azaleas primarily selected for their flowers. Kazan has lovely salmon flowers which is unusal for a Satsuki. However, the most distinctive characteristic of Kazan is the small, pointed shaped, dark green glossy foliage, which can still be appreciated even after the small flowers fade away. They even look lovely when not in flower. Easy to grow and train especially for shohin bonsai because of its dwarf , small plant characteristic. Salmon flowers in early summer!

pre-bonsai– 4” pot, 4-7” $40 Free Shipping

Large image depict sample tree after wiring and repotting.
Smaller image depict sample pre-bonsai before wiring and repotting.
Pre-bonsai are sold unwired in plastic pot. See images
Rough Bark Japanese Maple

Rough Bark Japanese Maple

Rough Bark Japanese Maple
seedling sample
Click to enlarge image(s)

Acer palmatum

There are several cultivars of Japanese maples with interesting 
bark. The most vigorous and easiest to grow and train for bonsai is the Rough bark Japanese maple ‘Arakawa.’ Many of these four year seedlings have shown the characteristic rough bark at a young age. These seedlings are from my forty year old garden tree which is covered with rough bark and has survived over 40 winters in Rochester, N.Y. Each seedling has been root pruned and is well branched, older and heavier than last year.  Branches are quickly developing. Bright autumn colors are reliable for these choice seedlings established in four inch pots.

pre-bonsai–4” pot, 12-16” $125 Free Shipping!

Click on smaller image to view seedlings.
Larger image depicts a developed bonsai, ceramic pot not included. 

Snow Goose Flowering Cherry

Snow Goose Flowering Cherry

Snow Goose Flowering Cherry
Click to enlarge image(s)
Prunus serrulata ‘Snow Goose'
Snow Goose Japanese flowering cherry has lovely small dainty single white blossoms. They explode in early spring presenting the appearance of snow geese flying. The stems are flexible and can be shaped on these plants, now ready for pruning and wiring. Well branched they have an upright growth habit. The small flowers are perfect for small size bonsai. Full of plump flower buds for a spring flowering burst of color!
Pre-Bonsai– 4” pot, 12-16” $60  Free Shipping!
smaller image sample tree.
Kwanzan Flowering Cherry

Kwanzan Flowering Cherry

Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
Click to enlarge image(s)
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
This cultivar of flowering cherry has lovely large profuse flowers, which are double, rather than the single varieties. Their high quality flowers also make this cultivar a popular ornamental tree for garden landscapes. The bark becomes shiny and add focal points during the dormant seasons. Summer leaves are often green and bronze. Imagine a delicate cluster of dark pink blossoms.

pre-bonsai– 4” pot, 10-16” $55 sold Out!

smaller immage of pre-bonsai.

Trident Maple

Trident Maple

Trident Maple
Large trident samplebundle sample
Click to enlarge image(s)
Acer buergerianum 

The Trident maple is one of the best deciduous species for forest and single trunk bonsai. The small, dark green trilobed leaves turn yellow and orange in autumn.  They grow quickly in trunk caliber and thin, delicate twigs are attractive in winter when the structural beauty of the bonsai can be enjoyed.  The unique ability of Trident maple roots to grow together and “web” makes it the finest species for root over rock style. New shoots grow quickly from old wood after drastic pruning. Flexible slender seedlings great for thread grafting roots and branches. The larger specimens are great for workshps or larger forest. Develops superb surface roots!  

10 Bare-root seedlings 6-18" - $50. Free Shipping  
Pre-Bonsai--from 1 gal. 14-18" Tall- $60. Free shipping

Good for workshop and classes!

Click on smaller image to view sample.
Larger image depicts a developed bonsai, ceramic pot not included. 

Twisted Trunk Pomegranate

Twisted Trunk Pomegranate

Twisted Trunk Pomegranate
sample treeflowers
Click to enlarge image(s)
Punica granatum  ‘Nejikan’ 

The Twisted trunk pomegranate has the distinctive bark coils and becomes twisted over the years. They have bright orange flowers during the summer when there is little color in your garden. Small edible fruit often develop at the base of the flowers and seeds quickly grow into small plants. Autumn brings clear yellow foliage before dropping to display the twisted bark. This cultivar is not reliably winter hardy in frigid areas and need some protection. An excellent unusual rare find!

PRE-BONSAI– 1 gallon, 12-18”– $95  Free Shipping!

Twisted trunk image of older tree.
2nd image of pre-bonsai sample.


Click to enlarge image(s)
The U.S. National Bonsai 8th Exhibition Commemorative Sweatshirt.

Cotton & Polyester Blend.

Charcoal Grey.

Only Size XL & 2XL available.

$30.00 each. Free shipping.

Click on smaller image to see logo.
Bonsai Training Container

Bonsai Training Container

Bonsai Training Container
Click to enlarge image(s)

These brown plastic oval training containers with multiple knock out drainage holes are great for forests or single trees and economical for classes and workshops. The container can also be used as a water basin or saucer if the drainage holes are intact. One or two seedling bundles will generally fit well in this size container. A great training pot.

Container size: 17” x 12” x 2” deep   

8th U.S. National Bonsai Album 2023

8th U.S. National Bonsai Album 2023

8th U.S. National Bonsai Album 2023
Click to enlarge image(s)
Limited Edition.
Magnificent full color photos capture the regal beauty of the displayed masterpiece bonsai gathered from the four corners of the United States. Over 200 fine quality bonsai many rarely seen or displayed before. 
Start your collection of the Commemorative Albums Today! Each with there own unique set of Bonsai trees.

Each album is unique and contains their own set of trees.

Size: 11 x 8.5" Hardcover. Retail price $69.00 without shipping.

Pre-Publication Special Price $55.00 + $8.00 U.S shipping.
To Be Shipped in mid 2024.  one, $63.00 U.S. 
7th U.S. National Album 2021

7th U.S. National Album 2021

7th U.S. National Album 2021
Click to enlarge image(s)
Limited Edition.
Magnificent full color photos capture the regal beauty of the displayed masterpiece bonsai gathered from the four corners of the United States. Over 200 fine quality bonsai many rarely seen or displayed before. 
Start your collection of the Commemorative Albums Today! Each with there own unique set of Bonsai trees.

Each album is unique and contains their own set of trees.

Size: 11 x 8.5" Hardcover. 
Special Price $55.00 + $8.00 shipping.
6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album
Click to enlarge image(s)
 6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album - 2018

Only 5 trees have ever been shown twice at the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. See and study over 300 of the finest bonsai in the United States displayed in the 6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition held on September 8-9, 2018 in Rochester, New York. Well over 100 different species, 5 species never exhibited before at a U.S. National Exhibition, are beautifully photographed and printed in the high quality exhibition album featuring every bonsai displayed. The beauty of over 100 shohin bonsai are displayed in addition to special exhibits from the leading botanical gardens and arboretums in the country. Candid photos of the sales area and demonstrations complete this beautifully produced and horticulturally accurate book. Trees from 27 States, 11 Arboretums, Canada and Puerto Rico. Hardcover, 240 pages in full color. Not only can you view master piece Bonsai , it is a great way to study them. If you study the styles, dimensions, proportions and ratios of these beautiful trees, you will develope a better understanding of their grace.  This knowledge will help you develop your own outstanding trees. Please order now and help support the publication of this great Bonsai album.

Each album is unique and contains their own set of trees.

Retail Price $69 

Sale price only $50+ U.S. Postage $8.

5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album
Click to enlarge image(s)

 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album- 2016

See and study over 300 of the finest bonsai in the United States displayed in the 5th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition held on September 10-11, 2016 in Rochester, New York. Over 100 different species are beautifully photographed and printed in the high quality exhibition album featuring every bonsai displayed. The beauty of over 100 shohin bonsai are displayed in addition to ten special exhibits from the leading botanical garden and arboreta in the country. Candid photos of the sales area and demonstrations complete this beautifully produced and horticulturally accurate book. Trees from 37 States.

Every Album is unique, with it's own set of trees.

Hardcover, 224 full color pages

Retail Price $69 

Sale price  only $35 + U.S. POSTAGE $8.

4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album

4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Album
Click to enlarge image(s)

4th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Commemorative Album, 2014.

See and study 320 of the finest bonsai in the United states, including 40 shohin bonsai compositions with 120 small size bonsai, displayed in the 4th US National Bonsai Exhibition held on September 13-14, 2014 in Rochester, New York. Over 125 species and plant cultivars were displayed which is representative of the trees trained for bonsai in our country.  Plus, bonsai from three special exhibitor groups from two provinces of Canada. Also included are bonsai from the leading botanical gardens and arboreta in this art form. One of the earliest bonsai to enter the Untied States in 1935 was on display, which was started from a cutting taken in 1802.

The exhibition was honored by Japanese dignitaries who traveled to the Untied States to see the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. Jiro Fukuda, Chairman of the Nippon Bonsai Association and Chairman of the World Bonsai Friendship Federation together with Mrs. Naemi Iwasaki, Vice-chairman of WBFF and Hatsuji Kato an advisor to WBFF came as well asother Japanese representative  Mr. Fukuda speaking of the exhibition said " the Japanese group came expecting to see beautiful bonsai but were surprised to see outstanding bonsai."
The regal beauty of the displayed masterpiece bonsai from the U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition were captured in magnificent full color photos to be immortalized in this album. 224 full color pages

Every Album is unique, with it's own set of trees.

11 x 8.5" hardcover

Retail Price $69

Sale Price $35.00  + U.S. POSTAGE $8

3rd U.S. National Bonsai  Commemorative Album

3rd U.S. National Bonsai Commemorative Album

3rd U.S. National Bonsai  Commemorative Album
Click to enlarge image(s)


See and study 248 of the finest bonsai in the United States as displayed in the 3rd US National Bonsai Exhibition held on June 9-10, 2012 in Rochester, New York. Magnificent full color photos of each bonsai in perfect color shows fine details so you can study the forms, species and styles of each artist’s best creations. Overall candid photos of the sales area and demonstrations complete this beautifully produced and horticulturary accurate book.

Every Album is unique, with it's own set of trees.

208 full color pages    11 x 8.5”, hardcover

List price: $65.00 U.S.

ON SALE  $35 + US postage $8.

2nd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Commemorative Album

2nd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Commemorative Album

2nd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition Commemorative Album
Click to enlarge image(s)


See and study 226 of the finest bonsai masterpieces in the United States as displayed in the 2nd U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition on June 12-13, 2010 in Rochester, New York. Magnificent full color photos of each displayed bonsai including 91 shohin bonsai, as well as candid views and three demonstrations. Relive memories from this historic event! 

Every Album is unique, with it's own set of trees.
Soon to be out of print.
List price: $65.00 U.S.

ON SALE $35.00  + U.S. POSTAGE $8.
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No content may be linked, used or reproduced without expressed, written consent.